Migration re-engineering and porting

Migration, Re-engineering and Porting

Your existing IT systems have a direct impact on your business and thus, ultimately on the success of your organization. Your systems should ideally increase the speed and efficiency with which you operate and respond. However there are some constraints in which most business operates and cost have to control even as businesses respond to changing conditions. Preserving your earlier investments is another concern.

The path to changing your IT systems with respect to design, functionality, recovery and reprogramming in a new language for a new environment could be fraught with cost overruns, functional breakdowns and other possible failures. Then, there is the cost of retraining staff for the new systems.

Build (team) – Migrate (existing application) – Operate (new application)

Ramsoft offers specialized solutions for porting software applications from old systems to the newest platforms and architectures. We offer end-to-end solutions for smooth migration right from planning, installing, configuring and verifying, to customizing, localizing, testing, data migration and support. Our porting expertise has evolved with our experience in migrating software applications, databases, and operating systems platforms in a wide variety of technical environments.
We have associates who, as and when required, can bring-in their domain expertise to improve the client’s business processes.